

by Mahir Khalifa-zadeh

created:  February 17, 2017
updated: September 01, 2024 

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Official map of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR, 1918-1920), presented at
Paris Peace Conference, Paris 1919, France


The Paleolithic Period The research conducted by Azerbaijani and German scientists proved that primitive people appeared on the territory of Azerbaijan 2 million years ago (1). Archaeological excavations and anthropological studies confirm that the present-day Republic of Azerbaijan territory has been inhabited since the Paleolithic Period (2,500,000-200,000 before present, BP). Professor Mammadali Husseynov discovered human remains of the Paleolithic Period and some other early habitat artifacts in the Cave of Azykh (Khojavend in Karabakh, Azerbaijan) in 1968 (2). 

Archaeological material from the Upper Paleolithic Period (40,000 BC) was discovered in the caves of Taghlar (Khojavend district) and Dash Salakhly (Qazakh district, Azerbaijan), as well as in Aveidag, Damjily, and Yatagery sites. 

Scientists believe that the stone carvings of Gobustan (60-70 km from Baku) are the Stone Age Rock Art, dating back to 20,000 - 5,000 BP (3). The Gobustan caves' artifacts dates to the last Ice Age and Upper Paleolithic (4).

The Neolithic Period (10,000-4,500 BC) artifacts were discovered in the Leylatapa site (Garadagh district) (4). Many graves, artifacts, old settlements, and Leylatapa’s cultures were found lengthwise of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline (5).

Bronze and Iron Ages (2,000-550 BC) artifacts and the Middle Bronze Ages and the Iron Age were discovered in Nakhcivan and Karabakh. The Bronze Age’s several graves were discovered in Babaverdish site in the Ganja-Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan and near the Garajamirli village in the Shamkir district (6). The Borsunlu burial mound (Goranboy district), Zayamchai necropolis (Shamkir region), and Tovuzchai necropolis were unearthed in the Tovuz district of Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, the Hasansu necropolis was found in the Agstafa district. Discovers occurred thanks to the construction of the (BTC) oil pipeline.

550- 330 BC, The huge palace of the Achaemenids' period was unearthed by the Azerbaijani-German archeologists in Shamkir region of Azerbaijan in 2016. The team believes that it was an administrative center of the Achaemenid authorities.   

The archeological studies confirm that several agricultural and stockbreeding settlements have existed in Azerbaijan since the 7th-6th millennium BC. The Caucasian tribes such as the Gargars, Utis, Saka, Sodes, Massagetae, and others inhabited the territory of Azerbaijan, with Mannaea (Akkadian: Mannai, Biblical Hebrew: Minniemerging as the first state in the 10th Century BC (6,7).

8th Century BC – Northward expansion of the Kingdom of Mannae’s borders and absorption of the main part of present-day Iranian Azerbaijan (8, 9).

7th century BC – The Empire of Medes (Old Persian: 𐎶𐎠𐎭 Mādawith the capital at Ecbatana (Old Persian: 𐏃𐎥𐎶𐎫𐎠𐎴Hagmatānaemerges in the southwest of the Caspian Sea. The Medes were unified by a man named Deioces (Greek: Δηιόκης), the first of four kings who were to rule a true empire that included large parts of Iran and eastern Anatolia. King Cyaxares (Median name: ᴴuvaxšϑra (𐎢𐎺𐎧𐏁𐎫𐎼)Kuaxarēs, Greek: Κυαξαρηςof Media (r. 623-585 BC) defeats the Assyrian Empire and captures the capital of Nineveh (10). The Medes defeat the Kingdom of Mannae. The Medes conquered the Kingdom of Urartu (Babylonian: Urashtu, Hebrew: אֲרָרָט Araratand incorporated it into their empire (11). In the Assyrian raid, King Cyrus II of Persia (Old Persian:  𐎤𐎢𐎽𐎢𐏁 Kūruš, later  Cyrus the Great) commanded the Persian unit in the Median Army of the King Cyaxares of Medes (12).

6th century BC – Cyrus the Great (r. 590 - 529 BC) unites the Iranian people of Medes and Persians and establishes a new Empire under his Achaemenid dynasty. Cyrus the Great's mother was Princess Mandane of Medes (Old Persian: MandánēGreek: Μανδάνη) -  a daughter of the last powerful Median King Astyages (Akkadian: Ištumegu, Greek: Astuágēs, r. 585 - 550 BC). Achaemenid King Cyrus the Great extends his rule over his grandfather King Astyages' lands of Medes (10).

Many scholars consider that the prophet Zarathustra (Avestan: Zaraθuštra, Greek: Zoroaster), founder of Zoroastrianism) was born in Azerbaijan near Urmia Lake in the 2nd millennium BC (13). 

Atropates and Alexander of Macedon
Atropates (Old Persian: Ātrpātah and Pahlavi: Ātūrpāt; Ancient Greek: Ἀτροπάτης Atropátēs; (370 BC – 321 BC) was a Medes (Old Persian: 𐎶𐎠𐎭Māda) and nobleman (possibly had very distant relation to the Achaemenid House) and satrap of Media (Greek: Μεγάλη) and general who served Darius III and Alexander of Macedon.

General Atropates - was a commander of Achaemenid King Darius III’s army’s right wing in the battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. Atropates, as satrap (Median/Old Persian: xšaçapāvān, Parthian/Arsacid Pahlavi: šahrabof Media, commanded Median, Arranian (Latin: Albanian), Sacasenian, and Arminian (Achaemenid's province of Armina, Greek: Arminyaya/Armenia) troops. 

During the Battle of Gaugamela, Atropates’ units pushed Alexander of Macedon’s army to stop the advance and implemented defensive measures. Only Alexander’s personal intervention with fresh troops allowed the Macedonians to stop their retreat and concentrate on a victorious advance in the center, facing troops under the direct command of Darius III. It was a unique moment in the battle. The Macedonian left wing had begun to retreat and, if King Darius III realized and utilized it, the battle’s outcome would have been completely different. However, Darius III’s poor commanding and leadership skills resulted in the catastrophic defeat of the Achaemenids Army (14).

One month after Darius III’s death in June 330 BC, Atropates surrendered to Alexander. Later, in a personal meeting, Alexander mentioned Atropates’ military skills and esteemed him so highly that his daughter was married to Perdiccas - a close ally to Alexander and commander of the Macedonian cavalry. The marriage occurred at the famous mass wedding in Susa in February 324 BC. Atropates traveled to Susa with Alexander and offered 100 Amazons, as Greeks called beautiful female archers from Media and Arran (Parthian: Ardhan, Latin: Albania), for the Macedonian military elite.

In 324 B.C. Atropates pacifies unrest against the Greeks and Alexander decides to keep him as a King of the land, which later becomes the independent (or semi-independent, vassal of Arsacid Parthia) kingdom of Atropatene with its capital at Ganzak/Gazaca (Greek: Γάζακα). After Alexander's death, Atropates, thanks to his diplomatic and political skills, became one of only two non-Macedonians (along with Alexander's Bactrian father-in-law Oxyartes), who was listed as holding a satrapy (Media-Atropatene) after the division of the empire between Alexander's generals.

Atropates was a strong follower of Zarathustra (Zoroaster). The name Ātūrpāt originates from Avesta's word “Âtare-pâta”, ("keeper of the fire") was one of the sons of Zarathustra. The transcription of name Ātūrpāt from Pahlavi (Middle Persian) could be “protected by fire”. Atropates enjoyed full support from Zoroastrian priests or Magi/Magus (Old Persian: 𐎶𐎦𐏁 magušPahlavi: maguš; Greek μάγος magos) to minimize Greeks’ impact on Zoroastrianism in Media-Atropatene. Indeed, the Achaemenids favored Goddess Anāhītā fire temple had been sacked and desecrated by Alexander the Great, who had burnt there the 12,000 ox-hides on which the original Avesta was written in golden lettering and which had been placed in the Fortress of Archives in the city of Istakhr in Pārs/Fars. However, Atropates was able to secure the fire temple of Ādur Gušnasp in Šiz (now Azar Gushnasp in Takht-e Soleyman, Azerbaijan, Iran), where the other copy of the Holy Avesta was preserved and copied on calf skins (15).

Media - Atropatene
4th-3rd century BCThe kingdom Media-Atropatene or Artopatene was established in  323 BC. It is in Atropatene (Old Persian/Arsacid Pahlavi: Ātṛpātakāna, Pahlavi: Ādurbādagān, Greek: Ἀτροπατηνή) that Azerbaijani identity began to be shaped. Atropatene was strong about its military power because it can be represented by 10,000 horsemen and 40,000 infantrymen…”, Strabo reports (16).
According to the classic theory, Atropatene was named after Ātūrpāt (Atropates)Notably, the word “Ātaš”, or “holy fire,” as it is well-known, has a Zoroastrian Avestan origin "ātarš". Historically, it evolved to the Parthian "Ātur" and Pahlavi “Ādur” and finally into the Turkified form “Azar/Azer”. “Azar” is the core of “Azarbaijan,” or nowadays Azerbaijan, descending from Parthian “Āturpātakān", meaning “a place where the holy fire is protected”. Azerbaijan — or Sasanian   “Ādurbādagān" — was a religious center of the Sassanids' empire, holding the "cathedral" Ādur Gušnasp fire temple (15). 

Another theory traces the etymology of Azerbaijan from the Old Persian words "Āzar" (Persian: آذر‎‎), meaning Fire, and "Pāyegān" (Persian: پایگان‎‎) meaning Guardian/Protector (Āzar Pāyegān - "Guardians of Fire") (Persian: آذر پایگان‎‎), with Āzar Pāyegān was later corrupted and Turkified into “Azarbaijan/Azerbaijan” (16).

Rome, Parthia, Adurbadagan and Arran (Caucasian Albania)
4th –3rd century BC - The Kingdom of Caucasian Albania (Parthian: Ardān, Pahlavi: Arrān, Latin: Albania) emerges on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the late 4th – early 3rd century BC with the royal capital of Kabalaka (now Gabala, present-day Azerbaijan). The Kingdom is a close ally of Parthia. The territory of Albania (Arran) covered most of the present-day Republic of Azerbaijan including some areas in the neighboring countries. It was a state with sufficiently developed agriculture, handicraft, and trade. Arran (Albania) had its own coins and army of up to 60,000 foot soldiers and 22,000 horsemen (17).

1st century BC - 1st century CE - The Roman Army under General Pompey Magnus subjugates Armin (Latin: Armenia), Iberia, and sizes Colchis (66 - 65 BC). His army moves toward the Caspian Sea. Pompey forded the Alazan River and clashed with the forces of Arran Shah Oroezes (Orois). However, Pompey was defeated by the Parthians and Arranians (Albanians) in Arran (18).

Roman General Markus Crassus and wealthiest man of Rome, is defeated in 53 BC in the south of the Caspian Sea (18). Later in 36 BC, the Romans led by General Mark Antony were defeated by the Parthians, Atropatenians, and Arranians at the well-fortified Atropatene's capital Phraata (now Maragha, Azerbaijan, Iran) (19).

75 CE - Roman Emperor Domitian sends Legio XII Fulminata (Thunderbolt) to the allied kingdoms of Iberia and Albania. A rock inscription was found at the shores of the Caspian Sea in 1948 (Gobustan, 60-70 km from Baku, Azerbaijan) mentions the presence of a centurion of Legio XII Fulminata named Lucius Julius Maximus (20).

233 CE – Roman Emperor Severus Alexander’s army is defeated by Parthians and Arranians in Arran (21).

6th century - Sasanian King Khosrow I (Xusrō I Anōšīrvān, r. 531- 579) establishes kust-i Adurbadagan (region of Adurbadagan [Azerbaijan]), holding Adubadagan's general (Pahlavi: spāhbed). The office of supreme military command (Pahlavi: Isbahbadh) of Azerbaijan, with specially assigned general covers Adurbadagan, Arran and Armin (Greek/Latin: Arminyaya/Armenia). 

Thanks to King Khosrow I Anushirvan's reforms, the name, administrative and military functions of Adurbadagan extend up to Darband fortress in Arran, forming the entire Adurbadagan [Azerbaijan] shahr on both banks of the Araxes.

In 623, the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, during his wars against King Khosrow II (Xusrō Parvēz, r. 530- 628), sacked the Sasanian empire's most sacred fire temple of Ādur Gušnasp in Azerbaijan, casting down its altars and polluting the lake's water with corpses. Khosrow II was married to the daughter of Khagan of Turks (22).

Adoption of Christianity in Arran (Church of Arran/Albanian Church) 
1st- 2nd century – Christianity, brought over by the missions of St Eliseus and Nestor, reaches Arran (Albania) and spreads all over the country. The Church was established by the 1st-century missionary Saint Elisaeus, who proselytized throughout Arran and Persia. He establishes the first Christian church in the Caucasus, in Kish in 301 (Sheki region, Azerbaijan). In 2001, the team of international archeologists confirmed that Kish's church is Dyophysit or Chalcedonian Orthodox Church.

In 313, Arran Shah Urnayr declares Orthodox Christianity as the official religion of Arran, predating King Mirian of Iberia’s declaration of Iberia as a Christian nation in 337 (23). The Church of Arran (Albanian Apostolic Church) - Dyophysite Autocephalous Orthodox Church - becomes a state institution (24).

In 372, Arran Shah Urnayr fights alongside Sasanian Shahan Shah Shapur II (Šābuhr, r. 309–379) against the Roman-Armenian army in the Battle of Bagavan. 

In 387, Armin (Armenia) was divided between Byzantium and the Sasanian Empire and the Sassanids transferred Arts’ax, Suinik, and Utik under Arran Shah's authority. 

In 428, Adurbadagan [Azerbaijan] enlarges over former Armin's regions of Parskahayk and Paytarakan.

Since 552 AD, the Church of Arran's (Albanian) Catholicos have been sitting in the capital city of Partaw (now Barda, Azerbaijan) (25).

Arran Shah Javanshir (King of Caucasian Albania)
7th century – Arran (Albania) under King of Varaz-Grigor (r. 628 - 637) and his son Javanshir resisted the Muslim Arabs (29). Prince and General (Pahlavi: spāhbed) Javanshir (Pahlavi: Juanšer) was a member of the Great Pahlav (Parthian) House of Mehrān and son of Arran shah Varaz-Grigor, which had a Zoroastrian name Gadvsnasp before his second baptizing into Dyophysite Orthodox Christianity.

In 16-19 November 636, in the famous Battle of al-Qadisiyyah between the Sasanians and Muslim Arabs, Prince Javanshir was the commander (spāhbed) of Arrān's (Albania's) troops, which were a part of the Sasanian Imperial Army under the command of the famous hero, prince and general (spāhbed) Rostam Farrokhzād of Ādurbādagān [Azerbaijan].

In 637, Javanshir with 3000-4000 troops, helped arrange Sasanian shahan shah Yazdgerd III’s (r. 632- 651) evacuation from the empire's capital Ctesiphon (Pahlavi: Madāʾensieged by Muslims. Yazdgerd III awarded Javanshir two golden spears and shields and acknowledged his bravery, awarding a flag – the Standard of Jamshid (Pahlavi: Derafš-e Kāvīān - King's flag), which was the highest honor for loyalty and courage. 

After the collapse of the Sasanian Empire, the Muslims offered to Javanshir to become a ruler of the entire Adurbadagan [Azerbaijan] shahr (covered both sides of the Araz River), but he refused it for obscure reasons.

In 654, Javanshir sends a letter to Byzantine emperor Constantine II, asking the emperor to adopt Arran (Albania) under his patronymic. 

In 669, Javanshir was killed during Christian service at Partaw’s Arranian (Albanian) Dyophysite Orthodox church (Church of Arran). Javanshir was married to a Turkish Princess.

Arriving of Islam
7th century - The Muslims' conquest of Iran resulted in the spread of Islam in Adurbadagan and Arran. This, subsequently, brings about the disintegration of the Kingdom of Albania and the entire region’s being assimilated into the Arabian Caliphate. Islam becomes the major religion following the Arabs' advance into the Arran (Caucasian Albania).

795 - 838 -  The strong unrest under the leadership of Babak Khorramdin took place in Azerbaijan against the Abbasid Caliphate.

Early Turks and Seljuk Turks
4th-5th century – Early Turks tribes started to arrive and settle in the South Caucasus, particularly in Arran. Hun Turks come from the Don River to Azerbaijan in 395 and 398, respectively. The beginning of Turks’ linguistic and ethnic mixture with locals and Arranians (Albanians) started (26). 

In 466, the Aghaceri Turk tribes, belonging to the European Huns (the Oghuz), settles in Azerbaijan (27).

4th century - Starting from the late Roman time (Byzantium), Nomadic Turkic tribes begin to penetrate into Arran (Albania) and Armin (Armenia) and Northern Iran from the North Caucasus and later from Central Asia (28).
6th-7th century - The Book of Dede Korkut, the historic epic of the Oguz Turks, was is written in Azerbaijan (30).

9th century – In 816, a popular Shiite liberation movement for independence from the Arabian Caliphate was launched under the leadership of Babek. Babek quickly seized power in Armenia, Esfahan, Mosul, and Hamedan (816-817). However, he was defeated and executed in 838 (31).

The Shirvanshahs state in Azerbaijan emerged in 861 and covered the area of Shirvan of present-day Azerbaijan and existed till 1539 (32).

10th century - The Oguz Turks adopt Islam. A new ethnic group of Azeri Turks emerges (33). The Oguz tribes’ Seljuk dynasty puts an end to the Arab control by invading Azerbaijan from Central Asia. The Seljuk Turk’s massive influx and conquering accelerated local Iranian Adari language degradation and its gradual replacement by Azeri or Azeri Turkish on both sides of the Araxes cementing Azeri Turkish identity. 

12th – 13th century – The emergence of the Atabek state in Azerbaijan under the Seljuk ruler Shams ad-din Ildeniz with a capital in Barda. In the 1230s the Mongol Armies led by Genghis Khan conquered Azerbaijan (34).

14th century – The Armies of Tamerlane invaded Azerbaijan. This is followed by the emergence of two successive Azerbaijani states: the Qara-Qoyunlu (Azerbaijani: Qaraqoyunlular, r. 1374-1468) and Aq-Qoyunlu (Azerbaijani: Ağqoyunlular, r. 1378-1503) with a capital in Tabriz, Azerbaijan. Both empires controlled the areas of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

15th century –When the city of Shemakha was abandoned as the capital of the state of Shirvanshahs (9th –16th centuries) in favor of Baku, the Palace of Shirvanshahs was built in 1411 in the new capital.

1420 – 1436 - Qara Iskander ibn Yusuf rules the Qara Qoyunlu and gains control over the area that is present-day Armenia. In 1467- Uzun Hassan (Azerbaijani: Uzun Həsənof Turkic Aq Qoyunlu defeated Qara Qoyunlu’s Jahanshah, who was Sultan of Azerbaijan and Shah of Iran (35). 

In 1468, the state of Qara-Qoyunly disintegrated and a new state of Aq-Qoyunly (1387-1502) with capital in Tabriz emerged under the rule of Turk of Uzun Hasan. 

1423-1478- The reign of Uzun Hasan, the Shahan Shah of Aq Qoyunlu and Azerbaijan’s great statesman (36). The Aq Qoyunlu empire reached its zenith under Uzun Hasan.

Shah Ismail Sefevid (Ismāʿīl I Safavid)
Ismail was born on July 17, 1487, Ardabīl, Azerbaijan - and died on May 23, 1524, Ardabīl, Safavid Iran).

16th –17th century – At the beginning of the 16th century Azerbaijan becomes a power base of another indigenous dynasty, the Safavids (Azeri Turk dynasty). The founder of the Safavid Dynasty, Shah Ismail I (r. 1501-1524), declares Shi'a Islam as the state religion. He unites all Azerbaijani lands and creates a powerful empire with a capital in Tabriz. The state of Safavids stretches from the Amur Darya River in the east to the Euphrates in the west and from the Darband fortress in Azerbaijan to the Persian Gulf in the south.

In 1504, Shah Ismail (Esmail) Sefevid ordered his general Revangulu Khan to build a fortress on the river of Zanghi bordering the Ottomans.

In 1511, the fortress was built and named after Ismail's general Revangulu as Revan or Iravan (Erivan) qala (now the capital of Armenia) (37). 

In August 1514, Ismail’s army was defeated in the battle of Chaldiran by the Ottoman troops under Sultan Selim I. Between 1590 and 1639 wars over Azerbaijan were fought between the Ottoman and the Safavid Empires.

1736- A brilliant military commander Nadir Kuli-Khan Afshar (later Nadir Shah Afshar), a member of the Turkic Afshar tribe settling in Azerbaijan since the 13 century, was crowned as Shah of Iran in Mugan (Azerbaijan). Nadir Shah was known as "The Second Alexander" or "The Napoleon of Persia".

18th –19th century – Emergence of Turkic Qajars state in Iran and Azerbaijan in 1781. The Turkic Qajars were origin from Ganja (present-day Azerbaijan). The Russo-Persian wars led to the signing of the Gulistan (1813) and the Turkmenchay (1828) treaties between the Qajar and Russian Empires that split Azerbaijan into two parts (southern or Iranian Azerbaijan and northern or Russian/Soviet Azerbaijan which is the present-day independent Republic of Azerbaijan) along the Araz River. The Russian rule in Azerbaijan begins.

Under the Treaty of Gulistan, Imperial Russia possesses Karabakh, Ganja, Sheki, Shirvan, Derbend, Kouba, and Baku, together with part of Talish and the fortress of Lenkoran (38).

22 June 1804- Iran's Crown Prince Abbas-Mirza Qajar, supreme commander of the Qajar Army, signs a capitulation of Qajar Empire's fortress Erivan (Erivan khanate) after a long siege launched by General Tsitsianov of the Russian Imperial Army.

Under the Treaty of Turkmanchay, Qajars ceded the Erivan Khanate (the present-day part of Armenia), the Nakhchivan Khanate (present-day Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan), the Talysh Khanate (southeastern Azerbaijan), and the Ordubad and Mughan regions (now also part of the Republic Azerbaijan) (39).

Finally, the Russian Empire conquered and incorporated the following Azerbaijani khanates - Erivan (later renamed by Russians into Yerevan, the present-day capital of Armenia), Karabakh, Nakhichevan, Ganja, Shemakha, Baku, Sheki, Guba, Derbend, Talysh, Salian and fortress Lenkoran.

In the late 1820s a massive resettlement of Armenians from the central parts of Iran as well as from the Middle East into Azerbaijani lands takes place under the Treaty of Turkmanchay (40).

March 21, 1828, the Russian Tsar issued and signed an Order that renamed the Azerbaijani khanate of Erivan and some parts of the Nakhchivan khanate into the so-called Armenian oblast (province). Finally, Imperial Russia established the province of Armenia on Azerbaijani lands (41).

6 August 1832 - the birthdate of world-famous Azerbaijani lyrical poetess  Khurshid Banu Natavan. She was the daughter of Mehdigulu Khan, the last ruler of the Karabakh Khanate (1748–1822).

1872 – Starting point of commercial oil production and the first Oil Boom in Baku (11 million tones are produced per annum; 50% of the world oil production). In 1879, the Nobel Brothers established their own company in Baku (some 12 percent of the Nobel Prize fund was drawn from Alfred's shares in the Nobel Brothers' Petroleum Company in Baku).

In 1883, the capital of the Rothchilds finances Baku-Batum railway which plays an important role in the export of oil from Baku to the European markets.

30-31 March – The massacre of about 20,000 Azerbaijanis in Baku is perpetrated by the Russian Red (Communist) Army and Armenian Dashnaks. 

28 May - Azerbaijan declares independence and announces the creation of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic (ADR) - the first secular and democratic state in the Muslim world. The first Cabinet of Ministers is formed under Prime Minister Fatali-khan Khoyski.

4 June – The Peace and Friendship Agreement is signed between the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Ottoman Empire. The establishment of the Turkish Military Mission in Ganja.

15 September – Baku is liberated from Dashnak Armenians and Shaumyan’s communist armed formations. Joint Azerbaijani and Turkish troops enter Baku. The capital of Azerbaijan is moved from Ganja to Baku.

7 December – The opening session of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. 18 December – General Thompson declares Britain’s support to the Azerbaijani Parliament as the only legitimate authority within the territory of the ADR.

8 January – Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s official delegation participates at the Paris Peace Conference.

15 January –The Paris Peace Conference’s official decision on the recognition of Azerbaijan’s independence is presented to the Azerbaijani delegation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France. 27 June – Azerbaijani (based on Latin Alphabet) is adopted as the state language.

In the face of the Bolsheviks’ military advance, Azerbaijan and Georgia signed the Azerbaijani–Georgian mutual defense pact in Tbilisi that established a military union on June 16, 1919 (42). November-December –Armenian Dashnaks perpetrate massacres of the Azerbaijani population in ADR’s Zangezur.

On 11 January 1920, The Paris Peace Conference recognizes de-facto the Azerbaijan Republic with the capital in Baku. The Conference issued a Special Resolution, which confirms Nagorno-Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan (43). Under this document, the Allied Powers recognize Khosrov-bey Sultanov, appointed by the Government of Azerbaijan, as Zangezour’s and Karabakh’s Governor-General (44, 45).

20 March  1920 - Iran de-jure recognizes the independence of Azerbaijan (46).

27-28 April 1920 – 11th Red (Communist) Army invades Baku. The Soviet Government led by Nariman Narimanov was established in Azerbaijan.

1921 - Parts of the territory of Azerbaijan are transferred to Armenia by the Soviet Bolshevik Government as a "symbol of friendship and brotherhood" between Azerbaijani and Armenian proletarians. The transfer of lands included: Zangezur, Goyche, Daralayaz, and Sharur  (47, 48) (now parts of Armenia).

In 1922, Azerbaijan was incorporated into the Soviet Union as a part of the Transcaucasian Federation and subsequently, in 1936, it became a Union Soviet Socialist Republic. The Cyrillic alphabet is introduced in the country. Azerbaijan was one of the fifteen republics of the USSR until the country’s re-independence in 1991.

In 1923, Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin renamed the city of Khankendi in Karabakh into Stepanakert for bolshevik Stepan Shaumyan, who was a leader of the Baku Commune (26 Baku Commissars) (49),

In 1936, Soviet dictator Stalin renamed the city of Erivan into Yerevan (50).

1946-1949, The Soviet Government invites Armenians around the world and settles them in the Armenian SSR (51).

1947- 1950, The Soviet Government deports more than 200.000 Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR to the Azerbaijan SSR (52). 

1988 – The beginning of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis in Armenia results in the influx of refugees to Baku. The Soviet Authorities in Moscow stepped up measures to suppress the National Movement for Independence in Azerbaijan and secure Communist rule in the country.

20 January 1990 – Soviet military intervention. Up to 26,000 Soviet troops storm Baku. More than 130 civilians (Azerbaijanis, Russians, Jews, Ukrainians) were killed and 700 wounded.

31 August 1991 – Azerbaijani Parliament adopts the Declaration of Independence. The Parliamentary Act establishing State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan was passed on October 18, 1991.

June 1992 - President Ayaz Mutalibov flees Baku against the backdrop of increasing failure in internal policy and in Nagorno-Karabakh culminating in the Armenian massacres of Azerbaijani civilians in the town of Khojali on 26 February 1992 (613 were killed, 487 wounded and 1,275 civilians were taken hostage). The Popular Front of Azerbaijan seizes power and Abulfaz Elchibey becomes President. The CSCE (now the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE) set up the Minsk Group, a group of member states coalesced to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The three co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group include representatives of France, Russia, and the United States.

June 1993 – One year of unsuccessful rule by the Popular Front reaches its climax. The Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan over the Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh resulted in the occupation of Aghdam, Lachin, Kelbajar, Gubatly, Zangilan, Jebrail, and Fizuli districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The number of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons reaches one million. Armed revolt against the Popular Front Government gains momentum. Amid the imminent threat of civil war Abulfaz Elchibey appeals to Heydar Aliyev (at the time a Leader of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan) to return to Baku and, using his rich political experience, address the dire situation and save the country from the outbreak of internecine hostilities. Elchibey flees Baku.

June 1993 - Heydar Aliyev returns to Baku and, through several skillful and courageous measures, manages to avert the confrontations. 15 June 1993- Heydar Aliyev becomes Chairman of the Azerbaijani Parliament.

In 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted the four Resolutions (822, 853, 874, and 884) condemning the occupation of Azerbaijani territories and demanding unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian Armed Forces.

3 October 1993 – Heydar Aliyev is elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

9-12 May 1994 - The cease-fire agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia is signed.

20 September 1994 – Contract of the century is signed between Azerbaijan and Consortium of Major Oil Companies led by BP. 5-6 December 1994 - CSCE Budapest Summit. A decision on "Intensification of CSCE action concerning the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict" is adopted.

2–3 December 1996 - OSCE Lisbon Summit. The OSCE Chairman-in-Office makes a statement supported by all (53) OSCE member states except Armenia, on three principles for the settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

11 October 1998 - Heydar Aliyev is re-elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  

17 April 1999 – Construction of the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline is completed.

18 November 1999 - The Intergovernmental Agreement related to the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline was signed by the Presidents of the Turkish Republic, Republic of Azerbaijan, and Georgia during the OSCE Summit in Istanbul.

25 January 2001- Azerbaijan becomes a member of the Council of Europe.

15 October 2003 – H.E. Ilham Aliyev is elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On 10 November 2020, Armenia signed the Agreement (Capitulation Act) to withdraw all Armenian Occupational forces from Azerbaijan. The Second Karabakh War ended with the ending of the Armenian occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan (53). 

On 23 September 2023, Azerbaijan launches an anti-terrorist operation and liberates the city of Khankendi (former Stepanakert) from the Armenian separatists. The separatist junta was annihilated by the signing of the Self-Liquidation Act (54).


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54- Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will cease to exist from January 1, 2024 - Nagorno-Karabakh authorities, Reuters, September 28, 2023,

1 comment:

  1. I think this website add a picture of ancient timeline
